Peer Review Process

Peer-review Process

Each manuscript submitted to the journal for publication will be examined by at least two independent reviewers. All manuscripts sent to the journal for publication will be checked for Plagiarism before being sent to the reviewers. The journal has a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy for Plagiarism. In the case of fraudulent information in the paper, the authors are responsible for retractions and corrections of the mistakes.   

The editor-in-chief would ensure that the peer-review process will proceed confidentially and that no one other than the authors and the reviewers will have access to the content of then sent paper until it has been published in the journal. The final decision on the manuscript would be entirely based on the reviewer’s decisions, with no external factor in play. In the case of disagreement between the reviewers, the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the paper will be made either by a third reviewer or the editorial board.